Sunday, September 20, 2015
A first attempt for an integrated project which hopefully will raise standards for quality assessment especially designed to address the needs of the digital citizen learners. The GRASPS and elements of assessment for this project are described in the haynayan wiki which can be accessed thru this link: http://haynayan.wikispaces.com/BIOLOGY+10+Performance+Task+for+SY+2015-2016

NOTE TO GRADE 10: Please post your personal reflection about this project as a comment. Include in your reflection the html link to your project webpage. Thank you for such a wonderful and meaningful quarter.

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Climate change is not something that we should set aside, but it is something that we really need to be aware of and take action. Environment is really important because this is where we live and we get resources, so if human activities continue to benefit Climate Change, it is like we destruct our own home. So instead, we should take care of our environment so we will not destruct our own habitat as well as the habitats of other organisms. (Bianca C. Morales - Francis de Sales)
ReplyDeletespread you advocacy through actions, it's time to be a servant leader
DeleteBianca Garcia - St. Francis of Sales
ReplyDeleteMy project was all about Evolution. Making an interactive platform, wherein I explain all about it has helped me realised that evolution is spectacular, it is amazing. Evolution is a part of life—a change towards the betterment of a specie. Imagine there’s no such thing as Evolution, do you think you would be here by now? Do you think species today are capable of reproducing offsprings? It also helped me realised that we are all indeed connected to each other, each has evolved from another specie.
species, always with an "s"
Deleteyou can guess now what my favorite topic of all time is
This project has somewhat made me realized many things about Climate Change. It made me face reality that we are affected by the climate change but notheless we are also the ones that are triggering this to go faster than it dhould be. The project made me realized that we cannot just think that it is already too late to do somwthing because severe weather conditions are already happening but we should always keep in mind that it was never too late to do somwthing for the sake of the whole world that even the smallest of deeds that will lessen the carbon footprints from us could actually do so much good already for us. So overall the project made me refelct and understand more about Climate Change and if ever we could slow down ots process again it is not only for us but also for the environment and other living organisms around us.
ReplyDelete(Llames. St Francis of Sales)
so what have your generation done so far to mitigate it
DeleteJose Jonell P. Loria - St Francis of Sales
ReplyDeleteClimate Change is one environmental issues that we need to focus now. This is due to our wrong doings that make our planet suffer and we are experiencing its effects now. This project make me understand why I should care to this problem and what I could do to help resolve the problem. Making this webpage where I explain all about climate change is what I can do to help resolve the problem. With this webpage I can open other people's eyes to this issue and make an action.
you can start a wiki or a blog and upload your webpage for free hosting, other young people will learn from your noble ideas
DeleteKatrina Marie P. Wagan
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis de Sales
Life is wonderful. It is full of mysteries we unfold as we live on. There would always be something more to just what we know. Something that we cannot imagine now but could happen someday. Maybe one day, we would evolve into species that don’t need oxygen to live. There are endless of possibilities, for life is very complex.
Evolution is one of the greatest gifts from God. If we didn’t evolve to what we are now, we probably don’t exist. Change really is the only constant thing in this world. Evolution teaches us that changing is necessary. We have to keep moving if we want to live.
evolution is what binds us all into one thread of life, unity in diversity is one of the most amazing pattern in the biosphere
DeleteSofia Isabelle D. Pabale
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis de Sales
Throughout this project making, I learned that the world is indeed diverse. We all came from one common ancestor. We have learned to adapt yet some are unfortunate due to the inability to cope up with the climate. We are all unique and amazing in our own way. As the highest form of animals, we should learn to take care of our planet. Let us learn to cherish the beauty and grandeur around us so that it may stay the same when the future comes. Also, we can learn more about our origins that may contribute to further researches and discoveries.
we may not resolve climate change within our lifetime but at least we did our part, well done
DeleteApril Joyce Anne A. Marasigan
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis of Sales
This project in Biology helps me to explore more about life and our world. My topic is about Climate change which is a mainstream issue since billion years ago. And it's getting more severe today depending on how we treat our living planet. It affects many aspects like environment, animals and especially humans. I realized that one of the primary purposes of living in this world is to take care of God's creation. All things are created beautifully, so what's the reason of destroying it? None. Our freedom in this world should be with limits and have discipline because all things that are too much is not good. We should make an effort in making our world a healthy living planet that can last long until future generations. Stop destroying it and start protecting it because the impact of doing illegal habits like this would bounce back to us and our lives will be greatly affected. And if all of us participate in making our world a living home to all species, all of us will be happy and will live harmoniously.
It is interesting that you used the word "mainstream" but until now a lot of people are still indifferent to climate change. Our generation may pass this world hardly feeling the impact, but your children's generation would be most vulnerable. In other words, yours is the most crucial generation.
DeleteDan Joshua M.Molino
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis de Sales
I’ve realized that biology encompasses many areas of the human life and uses different disciplines to approach it. From the cellular level where every life on earth starts and where different kinds of disabilities and complications start, to the interaction of different processes in an organism to maintain homeostasis, to the living organism that interacts with its environment, whether making the environment flourish or diminishes it, to the changes happening on a population throughout this seemingly endless timeline in a millennium scale , up to the effect of the environment itself on the organisms due to many factors.
There are more things that Biology can explain to us , many areas where it can shed its light on eyes time and time again, but one thing is for sure , here you learn the value and beauty of life itself. There is a call for us to change. Whatever we do to our environment reflects back on us 7 folds and what we do to ourselves might affect the future generations. There is a need for us to broaden our vision and put an end to this endless cycle of continuing destruction that we made using irresponsible advancement. We must learn to look back before we can learn to deal with our future problems which is diseases and hostile environment due to our rampant urbanization
Absolutely! A person with no sense of history has no sense of identity. The time to change is now, it is here, and with us.
DeleteJames Karl G. Honrado
ReplyDelete10 - St. Francis de Sales
As we look around us, we are surrounded with different kinds of animals and plants. Through evolution, we can understand how certain specie was developed and where it came from. It informs us that we all descended from only one common ancestor. Through natural selection, we can understand how organisms adapt and cope with their environment. The organisms who are able to adapt to the environment is the one who is “fit”. An organism is fit if it is able to survive and reproduce. Even if one organism survive but cant reproduce, it is not fit because if he die, he will left nothing to continue the existence of that specie.
I realize that all of us are connected with each other. We may have different physical appearances but we share some same genes. We know that evolution is about change. Our environment is changing that’s why we too should also change and adapt to our environment. These changes lead us to development. It means that we develop ourselves and we are now more knowledgeable about the things we should do to best adapt to the environment. There is “struggle for existence”. The strongest will have the advantage, the smartest will also find its way to survive, but still the one who are able to respond to the changes will have more chance to survive. Charles Darwin says “It is not the strongest of the specie that survive, nor the smartest, but the one most responsive to change”.
Always write "species", whether plural or singular.
DeleteDarwin has always been right. There is no permanent thing in this world but change. Thank you for mentioning Darwin's name.
Ana Patricia Z. Batalon
ReplyDelete10 - St. Francis de Sales
Climate Change Biology is one of the issues that we should take into consideration because man-made activities subsidizes the rapid process of change in temperature. This is an interdisciplinary issue that affects the life of the living. As years pass by, different situation has occurred and continues to worsen. Specific examples of these are; extinction of species, change in weather pattern and arising of new diseases.
We all have our freedom to do everything, but true freedom is doing what is good and just. Taking these challenges that we are facing right now is actually hard but after having the knowledge about what Climate Change Biology is, we should be awaken enough to see the reality. Let us not be afraid to do what is ought to be done for the good of our environment and for the betterment of the people. Lastly, I realized that everything that we do has something to do as well with our environment and with our lives.
Freedom is the privilege to do what is right. Climate change is a result of the abuse of this privilege. Ironically, the way to stop this abuse is also the same privilege that not all people understand. You're one of those who knows what real freedom is.
DeleteFranchesca Renee S. de Guzman
ReplyDeleteGr. 10 - St. Francis of Sales
As I was making this project, I started to see how interdisciplinary Biology is. My topic about Climate change does not only revovle about the changing climate itself. It also talks about who are being affected by it and why does it happen. It can be related to politics because governent officials need to do something to help the citizens cope up with the rapidly changing climate. This issue also questions our conscience. As Catholics, we should be the one taking care of our environment because it is God's gift to us. The environment provides for us therefore we should care for it as a sign of gratitude. The change in climate is originally because of natural causes but now, it is affects us negatively because of the human activities that contributes to this change. Mankind has become too greedy and self centered. We only kept thinking about what could be good for us and we forgot about the possible consequences of our actions. The current situation of our environment calls for action. Combined efforts can lead to good results. Let us save the earth so that the next generation won't suffer.
Such is a very comprehensive perspective. Your reflection shows that your did understand what interdisciplinary really means. Excellent!
DeletePatricia Amor P. Bustos
ReplyDelete10-St. Francis de Sales
Evolution is the reaction of certain species to the natural and artificial changes in the environment. Natural selection is the driving force of evolution. This is the precautionary measures made in order for them and their species to survive. Species that end up not suited for the environment would likely die, while those who are more suited would live and pass on their genes to the succeeding generation, and these genes will help the succeeding generation to survive. Natural selection is may also be regarded as “Survival of the fittest”, since it selects certain traits that would be passed on the succeeding generation. There are many evidences of evolution that could be explained through the different subject matters. An example of these subject matters is history. Through history, scientists are able to see the facts and evidences within previous studies to be able to formulate an established argument. Evolution is a complex topic, but it all boils down to the species being able to adapt to the changes occurring within its environment. This means that through adaptation and natural selection, the occurrence of evolution will soon follow and the species will be more suited to survive the environment from which they thrive from.
Man is the main source of the fast-paced phenomena of evolution. The activities of man contribute to the changes in the environment, specifically climate change. Carbon dioxide (Co2) is the main pollutant released by factories in the atmosphere and water in the form of wastes. The fast changes in the environment connote that there is limited time for organisms to adapt, resulting to their extinction. If man continues to practice this kind of behaviour, there would be an increase in the list of endangered and extinct species. What would be left for the future generation to see?
This is synthesis of your construct about evolution. The concluding question, though is open to various interpretations. How would you answer it?
DeleteI have realized that Evolution is a certain change of species because of its environmental changes through a long period of time. Evolution has also a vital role in many different subjects and fields like in our society because our perspective and intellect change through evolution and our way of communicating each other and on how we behave. Understanding evolution paves a way in discovering many things like discovering a certain new species and tracking its ancestor. This project makes me realize that cyberspace must be used in empowering citizens through creating websites that helps in providing information about a certain topic. Cyberspace must not just only be use in entertainment and games but also in harvesting knowledge and sharing it to others as we empower ourselves to a better future. (Alen Dominic C. Barundia, 10- St. Francis of Sales)
ReplyDeleteCyberspace for education, empowerment, and envisioning. Every digital citizen (that is your generation) must understand this. I am glad you already did. Congratulations!
DeleteMarianne Joselle D. Elemos
ReplyDeleteGr. 10- St. Francis of Sales
The only permanent thing in this world is change. Change has different ways to give an impact to everyone, that may lead for a better or worse result. Life is given and it has a mission to transform and fulfill of what was our goal. People come to think of different issues faced by the world, but do they respond on it?
Climate change is a serious problem, people may think that it is only the temperature/weather that changes.But we must be open to the realities that the earth is facing. The causes and consequences that may affect to humans and animals condition like diseases,habitat, extinction and other more. This project is a challenging one, for it let everyone discover and be inspired to make a stand of action to improve the earth’s system. To let them realize of the things that they do which already affects them is one of the things they need to care. Awareness and Promotion is the step in looking forward for a better change in our environment. An act of each and everyone marks a huge change that we must respond, for in everything that we do affects everyone.
Evolution is not just a scientific concept. It is an effective metaphor for character formation. You may forget all the what you memorized about it but its essence (that is, changing for a good reason) shall be weaved within you forever.
DeleteEunice Dianne Y. Algar
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis de Sales
We are all experiencing Climate Change. It is indeed a wide topic, something that is interconnected with other areas like global warming. It can affect animals, plants, humans, the whole environment. Natural calamities such as typhoons, volcanic eruptions and many more can be triggered by climate change. It is not only a problem within a country but a problem that exists in the whole world. Because of our own actions that contributes to Climate Change, we are all affected too in return.
Climate Change is an issue that we need to focus and take care of. It is not just a topic that we must know but also must acted upon on too. Maybe we cannot feel its intensity today, but in the future, we are also the ones that would be affected. Our environment, the place where we live in, different organims; the planet Earth are all in danger if we won't be giving concern to this emerging problem. It is never too late to do something that would somehow lessen the effects of it to us. There are solutions that we can do every day to lessen the effect of it. Those may be the simplest acts but it can contribute a lot for the environment. For me, those are the things that I've realized as I was making this project. All of us can do something.
We do not own the earth, we only borrowed it from the future generation in as much as the same condition that the past generations borrowed it from us. As you said, "all of us can do something", we better ask ourselves, what have we done and have been doing so far? It's yours and your children's future that is at stake. Carry on the good work then.
DeleteEdward Adrian H. Garcia
ReplyDelete10 - Francis de Sales
This project makes me fully understand the mechanism of evolution and how it is processed. All of the things I see around me are the product of evolution because they have been fit enough to survive today's environmental conditions. I also learned that evolution can't be defined by biology only but through the help of other disciplines, all of the evidences are all connected now. At first, I always thought of evolution as the development of an organism when it lived long but now I know that evolution is caused by different factors, like natural selection and competition, and it happens gradually. I am really interested about the evolution of species. I want to know all the things that are connected to it.
I am just amazed why many of you chose evolution. If I were a student, I probably would have chose it too and explore the connections with genetics and climate change. Why don't you upload your work in a free webpage hosting or explore the free on-line courses on coursera.
DeleteClimate change is felt even before. It is more felt today because development of technologies continuos and will never stop that also increases in number of users that harm the environment. Thus, we cannot stop the spread and the payback of our environment because in my observation, even how good a thing is, there would always have a bad effect wether directly to us or to the environment first. I look at it as a natural mechanism that after how good a thing complement our needs, it would always have a consequence waiting for us. Therefore, climate change is unstoppable all we can do is prevention, to extend the period where climate change will be worse than expected, to lessen the possibility of which the climate change will be able to kill all of us. Limitations on how will a equipment will be used can help the prevention be possible. Knowledge in each one of us will contributes to the prevention for climate change. Changing for the good is not bad, try it some time not just for you but think it for every one who lives in this planet. And witness the difference of our environment's respond to our good habits.
ReplyDelete~Padilla, Aaron Paul S.
Grade 10- St. Francis De Sales
Although climate change had happened before, we were not alive then to learn how to respond to it. Now the challenge is how.
DeleteAlliah Bernice G. Averilla
ReplyDeleteGr. 10 - St. Francis of Sales
The topic that I chose for this project is Climate Change. Many people tend to ignore the issue on climate change.They keep on doing the activities that harms the surrounding. After all the lectures, climate change is something that we should focus on and think of some ways to address the problem. Its impact on is huge, and it can bring a disaster to all of us. So we must not let that happen. Earth is beautiful, it is filled of wonderful creations. Let us not turn it into a dump side. Not only humans will suffer from it, but all the living creatures will do suffer from it also. I realize that we MUST be the CHANGE. Let us fulfill our duties and responsibilities, which is to be stewards of creation. We must learn to be critical thinkers, take on consideration that everything we do will affect others. Step up and save the world. Be the good change, not just for ourselves, but for all of us.
Thank you for being one good change!
DeleteFrances Angelene G. Rivera
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis de Sales
Biology has not only taught me the paraphrased definitions of terminologies but also taught me how important its principles are in real life. Out of the topics that we tackled about, I find evolution really fascinating and it really piqued my interest in the subject. Evolution has ever since been the central theme of all sciences since it talks about unity in diversity. Who could have thought that as diverse as we are now, species are connected by a common ancestor who lived billions of years ago. I have come to a realization that diversity and heterogeneity is not a valid reason for the problems we mostly face today. I have realized that being unique and being indifferent are two different words. Another is that society should ought not to act separately but instead, collectively. Man cannot work alone in isolation or separation from the masses. It is expressed by the theory of evolution that a change in the individual is not evolution but rather a mutation. Evolution happens in populations; it happens collectively. So as to improve, it isn't sufficient that there would just be one individual to change. Consequently, we ought to evolve to suit a new purpose as a community.
This is deep metaphorical thinking. Brief but essential. Philosophical yet practical. But what I admire most is the challenge to evolve to have a new purpose as a community.
DeleteJeverly Ann A. Marquez
ReplyDeleteGR. 10-St. FRANCIS OF SALES
Climate change is a universal issue. It is easy to understand but difficult to take an action.That's why creating a webpage about it is very difficult for me because you need to give more informations about it because my audience are the other students. And one of my goals in creating this webpage is to persuade them to take an action inorder to stop and prevent this issue. Climate change is caused by the natural occurences such as volcanic eruptions but more human products and activities are contributing on it. They are more contributing on this changes because humans also have their needs and they cannot just avoid to use it because this is what they need in order to have an easy and an adequate life that os why I had a difficult time suggesting an action for this and doing this webpage. But still I manage to do it well because I have an objective. And this is to protect the Earth for the sake of the next generations. In the process of doing this project I realized that we really have our own abilities to help each other the other living creatures and to do something for our environment. We cannot just only used the media for our own or for sharing how our life goes on but it can also be used to help and protect the environment. We just need to use it properly and with a purpose.
Focus, vision, objective, purpose. Do I need to say more to that? Great reflections!
DeleteRethaniel A. Ramos
ReplyDelete10 - St. Francis of Sales
As I researched about Evolution for my blog site, I suddenly remembered a very simple quote from a fictional character: "Change is good". Evolution perfectly reflects this quote because change in genetic makeups of organisms in a population brings common good in terms of diversification. Everyone is sure that this statement is true. But little did I know I myself am also changing. I was able to develop my skills/talents in this unique type of project-making.
When I first found out about this blog site project, I felt enthusiastic. This is a new approach in Performance Task making—using more than one subject to provide a more detailed presentation of ideas. Also, not just because it is a new way of integrating a subject to another, I found this project entertaining because of my personal interest in programming. Of all the topics that we have discussed in the course outline of this quarter, I chose evolution to be my topic in my blog site because it was my favorite among the rest. I enjoy the mysteries it brings to many people and to the scientists alike. I also wanted to explore more about topics in evolution that I may not have learned from school alone.
Change is good when it is for the common good. Scientifically, it does not always work that way in nature. Evolution is truly the greatest show on earth! We did not spend much time discussing about evolution in class but I think the mystery behind it made it more interesting. People learn better when they teach it to someone else. Making your webpage has already made you a teacher in your own little way.
DeleteEsteban Jose B. Pacada
ReplyDeleteGrade 10- St. Francis De Sales
I came to realize that evolution was inevitable in nature which can't be predictable neither by any one of us. It is a process where the gene pool in a population alters because of different factors- according to Charles Darwin's point of view the key factors that lead to evolution were selection, competition, overpopulation, variation, speciation, and adaptation. Out of all the topics I chose evolution because the topic caught my attention to explore and discover the true essence of evolution and how it took place. Evolution made me formulate some questions in my mind that, I myself, yet to decipher. At first, I keep on asking myself why the things around me should changes the way they used to if they were created that way but eventually I realized that there are reasons for everything. I found out that nature performs evolution to change the structures of species so that it can survive and adapt to the mechanisms of the environment. Without evolution the life span of a species will therefore decline due to the environmental factors that will brought drastic effects As I study evolution I also discovered that a lot of criticisms sprouted because of religious beliefs which caused conflicts and doubts. I realized that there is no need to argue about the principles of evolution because indeed it is a gift from God and we need to treasure it.
As Sir Richard Attenborough concluded ("The Greatest Show on Earth" video), we owe our very existence to those who existed in the past. The theory of evolution can be compared to the trial of Galileo when he was excommunicated for saying that the sun is the center of the universe. Many hundred years later, the church needed to apologize. But you are right that we should view evolution, the capacity to adapt and evolve, is the gift from God for it ensures our existence in the eons to come.
DeleteLeila Marie R. Gomez
ReplyDeleteGrade 10 - St. Francis de Sales
Personal Reflection:
"Whatever you're fighting for racism, poverty, feminism, gay rights or any type of equality, it won't matter any least because if we all don't work together to save the environment, we would be equally extinct." (Prince EA, 2015)
I choose the topic Climate Change because I think it's the most controversial topic that everyone needs to be aware of especially by the little children and I thought that by the help of this project; I would be able to raise awareness towards this grueling issue. Aside from school, I also became aware of Climate Change through social media and the web. There are a lot of researches and studies that is being done to advocate the need of saving the environment.
My attention was caught by Prince EA's video; "Dear Future Generations"
Here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRLJscAlk1M
I didn't even knew Prince EA but when my thoughts and reflexes started to absorb not only the beat of his words but the message it advocates and how serious he is, I was persuaded and convinced that we need to take part of this problem.
After all, a number of studies, reports and researches has proven that humans are the main cause of Climate change. I think it is merely felt that humans are the ones experiencing it's effect and that humans are the ones who can save and regain a safer, unpolluted planet.
While doing this project, I've been through a lot of ups and downs and sleepless nights but what I gained and learned while reading endless researches, reports, cases and others is the knowledge that I can simply imply on to others. The urge that if I won't be able to spread what I know, I am also a contributor into the destruction of society.
Climate change is a serious issue and only people with serious intentions of saving the planet could only be the ones that could save it. Learning Climate Change Biology even for a short matter of time this quarter really helped me understand the extension of the effects of Climate change.
As Prince EA said: "I'm sorry about our mindset cause we had the nerve to call this destruction (Climate Change), progress (because of human activities)." It made me think that if children, teenagers, students, teachers and fellow other citizens worked together in raising awareness we could be one with the government in resolving this problem.
"We must globally warm our hearts and change the climate of our souls and realize that we are not apart from nature, we are a part of nature and to betray nature is to betray us, to save nature is to save us." (Prince EA, 2015)
I hope that whatever activity that caused our climate to change can also be changed by a different mindset and purpose, not for money but for the welfare of the human nature.
It may be common for our ears to absorb "Save the environment" but if we didn't hold hands to reach this goal: Nature wouldn't be destroyed. Hence, nature will destroy us.
A path towards a new beginning starts within you.
Great things start from small beginnings (yes, from the Milo commercial). You do not need to go far, there is always an opportunity to help save the world and make a difference. When the internet connection becomes better I'll view the youtube video and see how it can be used in class. Thank you for sharing about it.
DeletePaulo T. Victorio
ReplyDelete10 - St. Francis de Sales
I have some realizations over the course of the project-making, within and beyond the topic I chose.
To be honest, the moment you introduced the performance task to us, I felt the excitement scratching all over me. This is a project like never before - an integrated project made to promote digital learning.
One and only one topic immediately came into my mind: the study on epigenetics.
Asking whether people are aware of the said study, I am quite disappointed by their unanimous answer. So I thought that this is a chance for me to share what I have learned during the course of deepening my understanding with the embarking field. Moreover, I sought this as an opportunity for me to learn as well. I have done my best in designing my webpage for it to be more visitor-friendly.
Back to my topic, I have realized that there are still room for future studies and researches - a huge room definitely. This is a step closer for us to better understand who we are and why we exist in such complexity. Humankind is in search of its history and its origin. And epigenetics may be one of those who can give a 'definite answer'.
Anyhow, this project taught me another lesson: Learn to budget your time wisely.
I would like to thank both you and Mr. Tagle for this wonderful project. It is really a challenging one for me.
Thank you, Ms. Alvarez, for such an inspiring course with you.
Epigenetics is a challenging and not so popular topic because it posts more questions than answer, but what a great choice. Every teacher's wish is for students to grow (intellectually) and mature (moral-spiritually, culturally) more than is expected and to turn out to be much better than previous ones. Your batch is also an inspiring one. But learning to budget time wisely at the end of the term is actually a core life skill, or must I say truly brilliant! Well done!
DeleteMicah Denise R. Mayor
ReplyDelete10 - St. Francis of Sales
I have always liked making webpages or blogs. The thought of designing and customizing it for my own interest excites me. This project kind of challenged me because I have to follow a certain theme that could match the topic of the content of my webpage. But it didn't stop me from making my webpage interesting and fun, just like my personality.
It was a good thing also for me to be able to apply what I learned in Computer and Biology to help citizens learn about my topic, Epigentics. The thought of sharing what I learn through a webpage was a new experience. I enjoyed it very much and I learned that I could be able to help others in a creative way.
Thank you for the opportunity to share what I learn and my skills through this project!
One of the characteristics of the 21st century learner (the millenials including you) is the ability to learn independently and proactively respond to challenges. Your reflection and your experience only proves that you're more than ready for more challenging intellectual adventures. Celebrate your success!
DeleteI have realized many things duting the course of this project making
ReplyDeleteFor sure, this project was one of the most challenging things I have ever done for school, and I think I did great.
I realized that evolution is inevitable, and it made me think and ponder. I asked myself and Google(of course), "evolution of man, in the future"... then I came across this webpage that explains a recent theory about a new genus and species next to us Homo sapiens. Nativus conciunctis, or Aliens. The theory also stated that these Aliens traveled light years, and they are from the future of the Earth. Although this theory does not have much evidence to be true, it really gave me quite a scare -- This leads to my second realization. In the future, after 5 million years or so, the Earth would not be the same, full of different animals and creatures that we are not acquainted to, and maybe Nativus conciunctus is true. It really is beautiful to think that we will progress as a planet through the process of evolution.
Thank you Ms. Alvarez and Mr. Tagle for this challenging project, I really look forward to a project similar to this, and I will surely continue to learn more about biology and HTML editing.
A few years from now a founding human colony will have a one-way trip to Mars. Should it be a successful one then it is man who will be the alien one. What an extraordinary reflection!
DeleteAwereness about the environment begins with children since it is when we are young that we develop ourselves as well as our habits. But how can we teach very young children about Climate Change and the things they can do about it? It is by entering their imaginative and creative world!
ReplyDeleteChildren nowadays learn through games and interactive digital formats, which makes this project suitable to help educate them. Climate Change is a serious threat to the survival of the planet and everyone living in it. Children needs to know that the Earth would be not as beautiful as it is if we don't do something about it. So that when they grow up, they have a mentality that they know why they should be more caring for the environment since it is very fragile, unlike the Earth we were always thought of as young children as something that is full of beauty and abundant in resources
The devastating effects of Climate Change can also be felt on the ecosystem of plants and animals not just by humans. And we all know that we depend on these ecosystems to survive to get food, water and resources; we should do something and we can start by raising awareness especially in children.
This project made me realize that learning is not anymore limited in the four corners of a classroom. Modern Learning makes use of various means and formats such as the internet that can be used especially by young people. Thank you for this challenging and unique 2nd Quarter experience because it made me appreciate Biology more by looking at it from various perspectives!
Very well explained! There is a saying that one cannot care and love what is not appreciated or acknowledged. Therefore teaching children to appreciate nature's beauty is glimmer of hope for the future.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBianca Isabelle Sangalang
ReplyDelete10-St Francis de Sales
Climate change is a big issue that everyone including all the living experiences. This is simply a change in the world's climate. Drought of plants, extinction of animals, floods, rise of new diseases and many more are just some of its many effects in the biosphere that results to more problems like human scarcity in resources and food which is not widely experienced in many areas in Africa. Extinction of animals due to loss of habitat and failure in adapting to the fast changing environment. Rise of new diseases because of the atmosphere and weather.
This project made me realize a lot things. Climate change is an issue that everyone needs to act on. No one can solve this issue alone for this is a worldwide issue that is caused by all and a worldwide issue that affects all. This needs an act today for what we are experiencing now is just a small piece of what will be experience in the future.
I also what to give thanks to Ms. Alvarez and Mr. Tagle for giving this opportunity to share not only what we know and learn about climate change but also to practice out creativity skills. Eventhough I find it hard at first, I learned a lot of things in this project.
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DeleteThe reward of things done is not how much time you spent on it but how much love you poured into it. Isn't it a happier experience when you learn that you can triumph over hardships?
DeleteCeline Acosta
ReplyDeleteClimate Change is one of the timely issues that few of us take into consideration. There are a lot of things happening around us. Changes are occuring left and right but few of us are aware that this issues if no one will care to find solutions and ignore every change happening around can shape the future of human race.
Have we ever wondered "Why are there prolonged rainy seasons nowadays?", 'Why occurences of strong hurricanes fill the news articles almost every year?". Human activities is the main contributor why rapid changes are occuring around us. A simple irresponsible act of forgetting to unplug appliances is contributing large amounts of heat into the atmosphere. Looking at a wider perspective, using an appliance causes powerplants to burn more fossil fuels to attend to our electrical needs and burning fossil fuels produces harmful gases in the atmosphere and increases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This also causes you higher electrical bills!
There are a lot of things we can do for our environment like:
1. Being aware!
Being aware is an essential key. Being aware of what is happening around us specifically, issues happening around us. This can help us be careful of everything we do. We will know the consequences of every move we make and every decision we should take. Like for example, If we know that we are consuming too much electricity when we are using the computer, at the same time watching televison, using the electricfan and the airconditioner, consumes a lot of heat and energy released into the environment, it can serve as a warning for us. And by that we will remember to conserve eletricity for realizing that too much consumptiion of electricity affects our environment, so we will learn to conserve energy!
2. Promote Campaigns to save the planet
If we know something, we should not keep it to ourselves. It would be better if we share our knowledge to others. We can do this by using social media sites into good use. We can use it to share influential ideas specially about Climate Change. Through this we can inform everyone and encourage them to conserve and save the planet!
3. Make your move
Make your move and start with our own selves first. If we want to lead the people, we should learn to be good followers too. We can start by thinking twice when throwing everything away because there might be something that can still be useful and can be placed with much better worth than being in the garbage can. It is called Recycling and Re-using. For example, instead of throwing away our used plastic cups, we can recycle it and use it as canisters or design it to be used as a cover for a lamp.
4. Live a simple life
Being materialistic increases the amount of garbage thrown away everytime we buy something. Living a simple life and prioritizing our needs over our wants will help us to save the Earth plus, save more money.
Every little thing we do counts. If we want to be super heroes, we can achieve it by doing something that can help the entire human race. Even though no one saw what we did, like switching off a light bulb, we can be called super heroes who saved the Earth from Climate Change!
The climate change research and debate started as early as the 70's but policy makers and business sector played deaf. We have to thank Al Gore for using his influence (and good looks) to make the world crazy about climate change. [He may have lost the US presidency but he won himself a Nobel Peace Prize]. Your generation is challenged never to make the same mistakes as the previous ones did. Thank you for being a hero in your own little way.